SAP Fixed Assets Guide

Get to know SAP Fixed Asset management for the Financial Accounting (FI) module and the mobile apps included in the RFgen MobileEdge™ solution. RFgen’s FA mobile apps suite optimizes fixed asset tracking for supply chain operations and plant maintenance.

What is SAP Fixed Assets?

SAP Fixed Assets management is an element of the Financial Accounting (FI) module in the SAP ERP system. It is designed to manage and track the accounting and financial reporting of a company’s fixed assets (e.g. equipment, tools, vehicles, and high-value parts) to ensure compliance with accounting standards as well as detailed tracking and reporting.

Asset Lifecycle Management: How It Works

SAP Fixed Assets provides control and oversight across the entire lifecycle of an asset. Here’s an overview of how it works:

  • Asset Master Record Creation: The process begins with the creation of an asset master record that contains all the necessary information about the asset. The asset master serves as the central source of information for managing fixed assets in SAP.
  • Acquisition or Capitalization: When a company acquires a new asset or needs to capitalize an expense (turning it into an asset), the transaction is recorded in SAP. This involves specifying the acquisition cost and the date of acquisition, which are crucial for calculating depreciation.
  • Depreciation Calculation: SAP automatically calculates depreciation based on the details provided in the asset master record and the configured depreciation methods. Depreciation methods and rates are set according to the company’s accounting policies and relevant accounting standards.
  • Depreciation Posting: Periodically (usually monthly), depreciation is posted to the general ledger, reflecting its usage and wear and tear. SAP ensures that these postings are consistent with accounting principles and standards.
  • Asset Maintenance and Adjustments: Throughout its lifecycle, an asset may undergo several changes, such as asset transfers, revaluation, or adjustments to its useful life or depreciation method. SAP allows for these adjustments, ensuring that the asset’s book value accurately reflects its current status and value.
  • Asset Retirement or Disposal: When an asset is sold, scrapped, or otherwise disposed of, it must be retired from the asset register. When retired, SAP calculates any gain or loss on the disposal based on the asset’s net book value at the time of disposal and then records it in the general ledger.
  • Reporting: SAP allows organizations to generate various reports such as asset balances, depreciation forecasts, and asset history sheets. These reports are essential for financial analysis, compliance, and strategic planning.

Understanding SAP Fixed Assets

Definition and Core Functions

SAP Fixed Asset (FA) capabilities enable the digital management of fixed assets of all types. Using SAP, organizations can more efficiently record, manage, analyze, and track fixed assets, while also monitoring asset acquisition, depreciation, adjustment, and disposal. Digital records make accounting and supply chain processes simpler and more visible within the organization, from acquisition to retirement.

Commonly used features include asset master data management, depreciation calculation, asset creation, asset transfer, and asset retirement.

Many organizations will want to tailor fixed asset functionality to meet the needs of asset managers, accountants, auditors, and operations personnel.

Advanced Features and Functions

Advanced features and capabilities of SAP FA include:

  • Asset History Sheet: Provides a detailed historical view of asset transactions, enabling comprehensive tracking of asset movements and changes over time.
  • Multidimensional Depreciation Calculation: Supports complex depreciation calculations, including parallel depreciation under different accounting principles (e.g., local GAAP, IFRS) within the same system.
  • Asset Valuation: Offers various methods for asset revaluation and impairment testing, ensuring compliance with international accounting standards.
  • Mass Transactions: Facilitates mass asset transactions, such as mass transfers or mass retirements, improving efficiency in managing large volumes of assets.
  • Leased Assets Management: Integrates with the leasing module to manage leased assets, including the calculation of lease payments and recognition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
  • Capital Work in Progress (CWIP): Manages assets under construction, allowing for the capitalization of costs until the asset is ready for use, at which point it can be transferred to fixed assets.
  • Integration with Project Systems: Enables direct linkage between the Project System (PS) module and Fixed Assets for seamless capitalization of project-related costs.
  • Barcode and RFID Integration: Supports integration with barcode and RFID systems for physical asset tracking and reconciliation with financial records.
  • Asset Retirement Obligations: Manages the accounting for asset retirement obligations, including the initial recognition and subsequent measurement of these liabilities.
  • Environmental and Maintenance Costs Tracking: Allows for the tracking and capitalization of costs related to environmental compliance and asset maintenance, ensuring accurate asset valuation.

Integration with SAP Modules

SAP Fixed Asset control should be integrated with other modules outside of SAP FI. Supply chain operations may necessitate close integration with Controlling (CO) and Materials Management (MM) modules to ensure seamless asset accounting and reporting.

RFgen’s Role in SAP Fixed Asset Management

RFgen puts SAP Fixed Asset functionality into the hands of workers. Users can quickly locate fixed assets and issue materials to assets right using a mobile device.

RFgen’s SAP Fixed Asset Suite works in conjunction with these other SAP mobile app suites:

Mobile Inventory Applications for SAP Fixed Assets (FA)

RFgen for SAP includes mobile applications for several transactions in its SAP Fixed Asset Suite. With these mobile apps, users can look up fixed assets and issue materials to an asset number right from a mobile device. Adding these capabilities greatly enhances efficiency for plant maintenance and work order-based activities.

Best Practices for SAP Fixed Assets

Following these best practices for SAP Fixed Assets can greatly increase the effectiveness of your processes while also ensuring compliance and accuracy.

Best practices include:

  • Maintain accurate, detailed asset master records.
  • Define clear depreciation methods and policies.
  • Implement controls and workflows for asset acquisition and capitalization.
  • Regularly review and reconcile fixed asset registers with physical inventories.
  • Establish clear procedures for retiring and disposing of fixed assets.
  • Install robust data security measures and access controls.
  • Utilize SAP’s analytics capabilities to generate insightful reports.
  • Integrate fixed asset management with your mobile solution.

Future Trends and Updates

It’s advisable to stay informed on the latest updates to the SAP Financial Accounting (FI) module. This way, you can plan accordingly for changes and integrate helpful updates into your current SAP environment. You may also find that participating in SAP events and industry seminars related to the supply chain can be informative as well.

Training and Support Resources

The SAP community offers much in the way of training and support. Some helpful resources include:

Community and online forums also offer ways to engage with the SAP community for advice, best practices, and problem-solving strategies.

Resolving Common Issues in SAP Fixed Assets

If you’re experiencing issues using SAP Fixed Assets, try visiting the SAP Support Portal.

For RFgen users, contact technical support.

For non-customers, contact us directly to learn more about what RFgen’s Fixed Asset Suite can do for you.

You may also wish to visit our resource detailing the problems we solve.

Transform SAP Fixed Assets Today