Clint Hanson

Sr. RFgen Consultant

Clint Hanson

Clint Hanson

Sr. RFgen Consultant

With over 20 years of experience with JD Edwards and 10 years with RFgen, Clint Hanson leverages his vast knowledge base to help his customers achieve their goals. He began his career as a JD Edwards business partner, completing JD Edwards World installations and code customizations. In 2013, he joined RFgen as senior JD Edwards consultant, using his extensive understanding of JD Edwards to quickly diagnose his customers’ problems and create their “vision of what they need RFgen to do for them.”

At RFgen, he enjoys working in the team environment and the supportive culture the small company provides. When he’s not working, he spends time camping, watching movies and sporting events and taking photos to “see the world in which we live in.”

In his travels assisting customers as a JD Edwards consultant, Clint has accrued nearly one million miles with Delta Airlines and flown with numerous celebrities, including Larry King, Eddie Van Halen and Donny Osmond.

I like being able to use my JD Edwards knowledge and background to help customers see the possibilities that RFgen can provide to them. I like to show them how they can replace their manual processes into something new and immediate.

Clint holds an associate degree in computer information systems from Rick’s College (now BYUI) in Idaho and is a JD Edwards product certified professional. He has 30 years of programming experience.