Why Food Companies Need Mobile Inventory to Survive

The term “supply chain” has gone from a business insider term to alarming consumer headlines and sound bites on the daily news. This only adds to the mounting pressure of cost control facing food and beverage companies today. Download this insight brief to learn how mobile inventory can mitigate challenges and generate significant cost savings without adding infrastructure.

cover image of RFgen's white paper: Why Food Companies Need Mobile Inventory to Survive

Smart manufacturing starts with smart data.

RFgen can provide a big boost for your part of the supply chain world. With the fastest and most accurate mobile barcoding solution integrated with your ERP, you can seize control of your inventory and the data that flows instantly into your operations.

We’ll help you seize some helpful information, too. Read this article published in Food Logistics magazine to learn how you can transform data collection and garner valuable insights for improved decision-making.

Download this food and beverage survival guide and in a matter of minutes you’ll be speaking the language of smart manufacturing:

  • Trends shaping smart manufacturing in food production
  • Mobile inventory integration with critical business systems
  • The importance of compliance and traceability
  • Why embracing mobile automation is key to boosting agility

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Embracing mobile barcoding and data collection can help you prepare for what comes next and move forward with confidence.

Robert Brice President & CTO, RFgen Software

Download the insight brief today.

Take the first step to transforming your inventory management with RFgen Mobile Edge™. Download your copy of the insight brief today to learn how you can unlock new levels of efficiency and cost savings with mobile automation.