Why You Should Automate Your Cycle Counting

Manual cycle counts drain resources. Accuracy is questionable. The task is never-ending. Download this insight brief today to learn how cost-effective automation solutions can automate cycle counting and eliminate inventory headaches.

cover image of RFgen's white paper: 3 Reasons Why You Should Automate Your Cycle Counting Immediately

Want to automate your cycle counting? It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

You live in the world of the supply chain. You know inefficiencies are costly and the enemy of a smooth-running inventory management system. But what about the inefficiencies you don’t even know about or can’t pinpoint? Those are the real killers. Here’s a tip: your cycle counting might be one of the culprits.

RFgen can help you identify how your cycle counting could be causing you problems (and costing you money). And, more importantly, how to fix those problems.

Take 5 minutes and learn 3 Reasons Why You Should Automate Your Cycle Counting Immediately.

RFgen knows how to transform your warehouse with digital automation. We can help you take your cycle counting—and other inventory management processes—to a level you’ve only imagined.

And that’s something you can count on.

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The Benefits of Automated Cycle Counting

increase in accuracy
faster cycle counts
greater productivity

Our workers rave about being able to see availability on their wireless devices. Before, they had to go back to a centralized workstation. RFgen® was an absolute win for our company.

Ken Meyers Director, Information Systems, Schwing America Inc.

Download the insight brief today.

Take the first step to transforming your cycle counting processes with RFgen®. Download your copy of the insight brief today to learn how you can unlock new levels of efficiency and cost savings with mobile automation.