Spend less time with layout and more on implementing business logic with this tool which is now available in the RFgen Mobile Development Studio 5.1.1 release.
This control enables application designers to easily customize their arrangement of list data on parent “template” panels. At run-time, the panels list data in the format provided in the first parent panel. Data continues to use the first format until the script tells RFgen to switch to the next parent panel format.
How it Works
Simply set the number of panels you’ll need, arrange your prompts on “parent” panels, bind your data-centric controls to specific columns, and script your data source. At runtime, RFgen replicates the panels populated by your data. While the layout options are endless, to help you get started, we’ll include an example code and a few tips on how the PanelList was designed.
For details on how to use this control, refer to the technical bulletin.
Key Benefits
- Convenient for displaying list data on smartphones
- Freestyle placement of child controls on the panel
- Built-in code for binding field prompts to columns